If you'd like to take your load balanced services offline each node at a time in order to avoid any downtime, you'll need to use the following steps.
To stop or start handling Network Load Balancing cluster traffic by using the Windows interface
- To open NLB Manager, click Start, click Administrative Tools, and then click Network Load Balancing Manager. You can also open NLB Manager by typing Nlbmgr at a command prompt.
- If NLB Manager does not list the cluster, connect to the cluster.
- If you want to immediately stop cluster operations on all cluster hosts, right-click the cluster, point to Control Hosts, and then click Stop. If you want to immediately stop the cluster service on only a particular host, right-click the host, point to Control Host, and then click Stop.
- When you stop handling NLB cluster traffic, client connections that are already in progress are interrupted. To avoid interrupting active connections, consider using the drainstop cluster-control command (instead of the stop command), which allows the host to continue servicing active connections but disables all new traffic to that host.
- You may want to manually initialte a failover of SQL services at this time. See the instructions below for further assistance.
- Once the drainstop has completed, you will be able to reboot the drainstopped host.
- After the drainstopped server has come back online, from the NLB Manager, right-click the drainstopped host, point to Control Host, and then click Start.
- Fail over the other SQL Server if necessary.
- Drainstop the other host using the instructions performed in step 4.
- Reboot the second host.
- After the second drainstopped server has come back online, from the NLB Manager, right-click the drainstopped host, point to Control Host, and then click Start.
- Move the SQL services to your preferred node.
To Fail Over the SQL instances.
Article ID: 1050, Created On: 5/1/2015, Modified: 5/1/2015